
Everyday some more crap comes flying at me. My life at times just blows. What did I do to deserve this?

I hope I sound stuck up enough for you. I hope I sound like I'm a terrible person who thinks I deserve the best of the world

The truth is, these little setbacks mean nothing. I am miles ahead of tons of less fortuante people all across the world.
I think my real problem is ignorance.

But afterall, I'm selfish and I love to whine.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Prayers for VT

Last night, walking back late from Wednesday Night Worship on campus, I whinned with my friends about how cold it was outside. Walking back is never fun when it causes your limbs to go numb. We would have side conversations, but the comments always came back to complaints about how cold it was outside and how we could no longer feel our faces.

My friend Emily was the first to finally blurt out, "THIS SUCKS!"
As we all grumbled and agreed, the realization hit me in the face. Here we are, walking back on our safe, small campus, whinning about a couple of cold appendages. We go to a small private Christian college located in the center of a calm suburban town. There isn't a single street that leads the entire way through campus, so traffic is light and typically just students or staff. Every hundrend yards, there is a security phone which sends a call directly to the security office, which is open and available 24/7. Any instances that ever occur on campus are very minor. Yet we take all this for granted.

In 2007, the Virginia Tech massacre shocked the nation. With 32 murders and 25 injured, it became the deadliest shooting incident from a single gunman in the U.S. Only one week ago, another gunman killed two people on campus, including a police officer. Flashbacks from the tradegy four years prior were on everyone's mind.

The reality of it is that we are lucky to be so safe here. There are place, even college campuses like Virginia Tech, that are potentially severely dangerous environments.

We need to suck it up and be thankful for at least being safe on our campus. And we need to lift up our fellow students on these types of campuses that may frequently come under fire. No one deserves to live in fear.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Toys, toys, toys

Today, I was once again faced with the reality that my life doesn't suck after all. I may complain here and there, and sure, bad stuff has happened in my life, but compared to some children, I am very blessed.

This morning I volunteer wtih City Team again. Typically going on Saturdays to help, my group of students would sort clothing and serve lunch to the residents of the shelter. However today, we got to work in the toy warehouse. Here, they house thousands of donated toys that are to be used to shop for and provide presents to adopted children. As we sorted through tons of Barbies and Nerf footballs, we all nostagically looked back onto the Christmases we had as children.

I can honestly say that I have always gotten what I've wanted for Christmas. Learning about all those children who don't get that every year, I began to feel guilty. So, I think I need to be more conscious of my life experiences and blessings. I also need to be more conscious of those who are struggling and do whatever I can to help, whether that means donating toys and stuff animals, or volunteering my time to help organizations that help give gifts to these children. It's something that everyone should do.

Standing in the run down gym, staring at the lines of bags packed with toys, ready to be shipped off on Christmas, I was in awe. I was happy to be a part of something that will make others' lives more blessed.

I know my life doesn't suck, and the lives of others shouldn't either, especially on Christmas.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas is coming!

This week I would just like to say that my life does not suck.

I suck.

Every year, it never fails. I get so caught up in Christmas for what our culture has made it. Tons of presents, Santa Clause and possible snow is all that occupies my mind. I start to dream of all the things under the Christmas tree that will have my name on them. What is my dad going to surpirse me with this year? Did mom get me that bracelet I wanted? Its like I'm a kid again, anticipating Christmas morning with every fiber of my body.

But I'm just plain selfish. I suck because I'm not thankful for how blessed I am.

Here in Philadelphia, tons of kids go through the holidays without receiving a single present while I sit at home wishing the mountain of gifts I have would only grow bigger. Whether their parents are unable to shower them with presents or perhaps they don't even have a family, these kids deserve that joy on Christmas morning that I have always been blessed enough to experience.

This past week I have really been able to recognize the need of these kids. Not just are their basic needs important, but, in my opinion, blessing them with these other simple joys is important.

So check this out. A organization in City Team Ministries located right here in Philly is just one of many organizations that is hosting an annual Christmas toy drive. I encourage everyone to put aside their own selfishness this holiday season and give to these kids who don't have. I know that I personally need to stop being awful and suck-ish and give to these kids.

Maybe then, we can really focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Click here for more details on City Team's toy drive!