Sometimes, walking just sucks.
After a long day of walking all over campus getting from class to class and then work, the last thing I want to do is walk more. But, being a freshman on campus, I do not have the privilege of having a car. So when I'm in need of anything, I rely on my feet to get me into town.
Now the walk is only 10 minutes but after walking all day it seems like 10 miles. It's such an inconvience. It totally sucks.
My treck to the local store is through a nice suburban neighborhood. Along the way I typicall encounter some kids or maybe someone walking their dog. There are always very friendly people. Never once have I come across any conflict on my walks.
This makes me lucky. I'm not faced with road side bombs, prosecution, or attackers of any kind. It may be a possibly, but it's not a daily realily like it is in some countries.
Civilian deaths are the reality of may war-torn countries. On Monday, for example, in Syria, more than 20 civilians were killed when fighting broke out in the city of Homs. Within the past seven months, the United Nations has estimated around 3,000 people. Men, women and children are all affected by these militant clashes sometimes even on a daily basis.
I am blessed that this is not my realily. I would take an annoying but peaceful walk into town over this circumstance any day.
This is great. I seriously loovvvveee this idea! I complain so much throughout the day and reminders are the perfect cure to put us back in our places.